It only matters that you feel good

Think for a moment: what is behind your every wish? Behind every desire?

  • To have a lot of money
  • To have a love of your life
  • To have a nice car
  • To travel around the world
  • To find a job
  • I want to have (insert your desire) ____________________ .

Imagine, how would you feel having the thing you desire. Happy? Peaceful? Accepted? Relaxed? It is something which feels good, right?

And Law of Attraction works like this: if you feel that you don’t have and you focus on lack of the thing you desire, you will get more of this (more lack). When you focus on the good feeling, which is basically the feeling you want to experience, when your desire comes through, you get more of this. And your desire will come true. The opposite is not possible.

Ehmm, what I am trying to say is: Feel good first and anything else will follow.

I am feeling good, when:

  • walking in the nature, especially woods
  • at the sea and other waters (sitting by the sea, sailing, windsurfing, picking nicely shaped and coloured stones, soaking in the water, listening to the sound of water moving)
  • listening to masterpiece music
  • singing
  • dancing
  • enjoying my friends company
  • playing with cats and dogs
  • reading a good book (oh yeah :))
  • discovering new places, new things
  • discussing ideas
  • wathing a good movie
  • doing nothing 😀
  • coaching
  • doing anything connected with fashion and art
  • snuggling in my comfy, warm bed
  • listening or watching to Ester Hicks/ Abraham teachings
  • enjoying the company of LOA savy people at Good Vibe University
  • watching the wild colours of the sky, when the day is turning in the night
  • feeling sun on my cheeks
  • of course kissing and huging 🙂

Each and every of this activities brings me in to the place, where I enjoy myself, I am me and forget about the time and space. They raise my energetic vibration, which is needed if I want to manifest high vibing things/people/events. This is my manifesting tool box. What is yours? Make a list and go ahead – doing what feels good.

I am putting my winter boots on, going out in the woods, get my body moving, and make trails in the snow. It feels good. 😉


Living intentionally

Are you living your life on an auto-pilot with thinking, that things are happening to you? You might think that this is your reality. The truth is, that you are creating your reality with your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes – from inside out. Your life is created THROUGH you. It really helps if we are 100% aware of this.

If we are, we start to observe our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes towards people and things, our expectations (yes, that #&%# thing happened again, I told you it will be so!!).

Lately I became aware how unintentionally I live. So I started this week with setting the intentions in the morning, each day, when I wake up: “This will be a perfect day!” I say and expect this with a real confidence and belief.

When I sit in the car I sit in with the intention: “This  will be a perfect ride and I will come from Kamnik to Ljubljana quickly as usually.” I’m cathing the green wave of traffic lights, traffic is running without any roadblocks or congestions. Of course I was expecting that, when setting the intention.

I am setting the intentions to get the parking space on the parking lots full of cars in the evenings and I go even that far that I point out in which parking lot I want to park. And oh yes, the parking spaces are always waiting for me, exactly where I want. I became very good at this. And this was my first exercise to prove myself how we can envision everything we want, get everything we can think of – with the power of our minds, with a positive expectations and belief, that we’ll get that. I found this exercise in Brian Tracy’s book Thinking Big: The Keys to Personal Power and Maximum Performance.

This is how I created two job offers at the same time in two different companies for exactly the same monthly payment. Both were really cool at that time so I had difficulties to decide which one to take.  😉

And my days are perfect! Broken relationships started to build back, existing relationships are becoming better and better….

You can use setting the intention for everything! Before important meeting – set the intention what you would like the meeting to be (productive, peaceful, friendly, etc.), maybe you are anxious when getting on the party  – just set the intention that it will be FUN (or whatever you want).

Yes, I remember those times going to the party with the prevailing thought (this was actually the intention): “And nobody will want to dance with me…” Guess what… I ended attending those parties, because really nobody asked me to dance. Oh my… I didn’t know that, what I know today. Hehe, my parties are full of all night dancing now!! Love that!

Try with little things to convince yourself in the magic of intentions setting and deliberate creation. Don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t succeed at first. You will build that muscle with the practice.

I commit myself to live more intentionally. Right now I am creating the intention to calling in the One. 😛 Will keep you posted.